Understand Google’s 5 Phases for Showing a Page in Search Results! [Explicar SEO]

Googlebot na fase de descoberta com lupa e mapa

Have you ever wondered how Google finds and chooses the pages that appear in search results?

It’s an almost magical and mysterious process, like a detective unravelling the secrets of the internet. Let’s go on an adventure to uncover in detail the five stages Google uses to make a web page appear in its results!

Google’s 5 Phases: from discovery to ranking!

  1. Discover: Imagine Googlebot as a detective, with a magnifying glass and a map, exploring the vastness of the internet. It searches for new pages, following links and analysing sitemaps.
  2. Crawl: Now our detective checks whether you have permission to access the page. If so, it analyses it carefully.
  3. Process: Like a magician, Googlebot recreates an image of what users see in their browsers, understanding every detail of the content.
  4. Indexing: Here, Googlebot acts like a librarian, cataloguing and organising the information on the page in its great digital library.
  5. Ranking: Finally, based on numerous factors, Google decides where to position the page in the search results. It’s the grand finale of the show!

PDF “The 5 Phases for Google to Show a New Page”

Understanding these phases is crucial for any website owner or content creator.

Optimising your site for each phase can mean the difference between being on the first or last page of search results.

Don’t get left behind in the digital race. Apply these tips to your site and watch the magic happen!

Need some help? Contact us and we’ll turn your site into a Google star!

PS: In addition to the option of hiring our SEO agency services, we also have a consultancy option for companies that want to improve their in-house knowledge and receive support while applying the knowledge in a practical way.

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